Spent the time to clean up my Kinetic watch. It is a very nice watch and gleams like new again.
I took off the bracelet and soaked it in a jewelery cleaner and then soaked and cleaned the watch itself. It is pretty amazing what dirt comes off after wearing a watch 5 years. Overall, the watch has held up well. There is some wear to the underside of the bracelet (rubbing against a desk) which is pretty typical. It still keeps amazing time, even for a quartz watch. It is currently dead on to N.I.S.T. time, no adjustments over the last 5 months! The worst I have seen it is about 0.5 seconds off at the last daylight savings time change. I don’t wear t nearly as much as I used to. My Orange Bullet Diver’s and my Blue 5 get worn at work all the time, and the green military gets worn every night at home. I think I will wear it soon to charge up the energy cell to 6 months charge again. It is currently at about 2 months reserve. Seiko still makes this exact model, which is a good sign. I like the fact someone still makes a men’s standard size watch, 36mm, not the hubcaps you see strapped to peoples’ wrists now.